Blogger Recognition Award

Greetings all,

I have been nominated for the Bloggers Recognition Award by “Muneeta – Innervoice28” .Its my 4th Award nomination in a row with in 10 days of time. I do have a another nomination as well and will talk about that in the next post. I m really delighted and thank you Muneeta for nominating my name for Bloggers Recognition.

She has versatile interests, such as poems, fashion, diet and Motivational contents. Here is the link for her blog #


Here are the rules –

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

2. Write a post to show your award.

3. Give a brief story about how your blog started.

4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

5. Select (up to 6) other bloggers for this award.

6. Answer the Questions given to you by the nominator and post your questions for your nominees

7. Comment on each blog to let them know you nominated them and provide a link to to the post you created.

Blogging –

Blogging is not something which i really wanted to start this year, as the interest in blogging was started in 2016 itself, unfortunately that didn’t turned up due to personal and official commitments . I started realizing myself so positive after starting my blogging  and thinking now, I should have started it in 2016. The interest in Photography and travel are the triggers for me to get along with Blogging.

Advices –

I would Suggest instead of Advices, Be yourself and if you are really sincere & passionate about writing. Keep up the spirit. Thats it. 

Image result for the nominees are

My Answers for the Questions from Muneeta –

1. What inspires you to write ?

Real life Experiences.

2. If you get the chance to change something in this world, what would it be ?

See If I can bury the CASTE system by any means

3 .Your favourite book and author ?

 Favourite Book – Ponniyin Selvan / Favourite Author(s) – Writer Sujatha & Writer Madan

4. What is your definition of being rich ?

Should be at Heart

5.According to you ,which job should be the highest paying job in this world ? 

Any profession that involves life threatening risk should be Paid high !

6.Your favourite blog?

I see uniqueness in all the blogs, So I like them all.

7. Name any movie that relates with your life ?

Nothing that I can thing of !!!! , But there are few scenes that I can connect , not the whole movie

8.How would the world of your dream look like?

 adventure related dream …… As I Love Mountains a lot !!

9. Which one do you prefer more ?? love or respect ??

Respectable love ..hehehehe  !!!!!!!

10.Your quote of the day ?

 Live and Let others Live

My Questions to my Nominees –

  1. What is the inspiration behind your blog?
  2. What advice you’d give to any blogger?
  3. An incident that makes you feel proud about yourself.
  4. What you did so serious and it became so funny??
  5. What really scares you a lot?
  6. What’s something you find yourself worrying about or thinking about frequently?
  7. If you had to change your name, what would it be and why?
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